
San Jose Water (SJW) tariffs are transmitted solely for background information. Because SJW files revisions of its tariffs with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), readers should contact SJW if they have reason to question whether a particular tariff is current. The information shown herein is believed by SJW to be an accurate representation but it does not take the place of the official and effective tariffs on file with the CPUC.

Tariff Book Title and Table of Contents Pages

看到 tariff sheets, effective rates, rules and regulations. This is a listing of service area maps, rules, and rates that are currently in effect.

Preliminary Statement Maps

This is information regarding the territory served, the types and classes of service rendered, the general conditions under which services are rendered, the memorandum accounts (if any), balancing accounts, and rate adjustment clauses. Download here (updated October 2023).

Download Service Area Locator Map here.

Check out our Tariff Page.

Contracts and Deviations

Customers receiving service or those who have special contracts at rates or under conditions not specified in the current tariffs. Check out contracts and deviations.


These are the rules all utilities are required to operate under as directed by the CPUC.

Rule No. 1    Definitions                  
Rule No. 2      
Description of Service
Rule No. 3      
Application for Service
Rule No. 4      
Rule No. 5      
Special Information Required on 形式
Rule No. 6      
Establishment and Re-establishment of Credit
Rule No. 7      
Rule No. 8      
Rule No. 9      
Rendering and 付款 of Bills
Rule No. 10      
Disputed Bills
Rule No. 11      
Discontinuance and Restoration of Service
Rule No. 12      
Information Available to Public
Rule No. 13      
Temporary Service
Rule No. 14      
Continuity of Service
Rule No. 14.1      
Water Shortage Contingency Plan
Rule No. 15      
Main Extensions
Rule No. 16      
Service Connections, Meters, and Customer's Facilities
Rule No. 17      
Standards for Measurement of Service
Rule No. 18      
Meter Tests and Adjustment of Bills for Meter Error
Rule No. 19      
Service to Separate Premises and Multiple Units, and Resale of Water
Rule No. 20      
Water Conservation
Rule No. 21      
Military Family Relief Program
Rule No. 22      
Customer Information Sharing



Explanations and samples of forms you may encounter as part of your water service

Form No. 1 & 1A  Application for Water Service - (New, On, Off, In, Out, and Change)
Form No. 2
Portable Meter Deposit
Form No. 2A 
Portable Meter Customer - Terms
Form No. 3 
Bill Form
Form No. 3A 
Service Termination Notice (10-Day Notice)
Form No. 3B 
Final Notice (Individually Metered Customers)
Form No. 3C 
Final Notice (Individually Metered Customers with a Return Check)
Form No. 3D 
Closing Bill
Form No. 3E 
15-Day Tenant Notice (Master Metered Customers)
Form No. 3F
Electronic Bill Form
Form No. 4 
Main Extension Contract B Rule - Individual Utility Install
Form No. 5
Main Extension Contract B Rule - Individual Applicant Install
Form No. 6 
Main Extension Contract C Rule- Distribution Plant
Form No. 7
Main Extension Contract C Rule- Distribution Plant
Form No. 8 
Main Extension Contract C Rule- Special Facilities & Distribution Plant
Form No. 9 
Main Extension Contract C Rule- Special Facilities & Distribution Plant
Form No. 10 
Main Extension Contract C Rule- Distribution Plant
Form No. 11
Main Extension Contract C Rule- Distribution Plant
Form No. 12 
Main Extension Contract C Rule- Distribution Plant
Form No. 13
Main Extension Contract C Rule- Installation of Water Facilities
Form No. 14
Uniform Fire Hydrant Service Agreement
Form No. 15 
New Business Cash Receipt Form
Form No. 16 
Relocation of Water Facilities Agreement
Form No. 17 
Relocation or Resizing of Water Service Only, 3 Inch & 小
Form No. 18 
Fire Main Extension, Hydrant and/or Private Fire Protection Service
Form No. 19 
Water Facilities Construction Contract
Form No. 20 
Relocation of Water Meter not requiring the removal of the Existing Service nor the Addition of a New Service
Form No. 21 
New Service to Existing Served Property including, if needed, Relocation of Existing Water Facilities
Form No. 22
Questionnaire for Domestic Service Installations Larger than 1
Form No. 23
Customer Assistance Program (CAP)
Form No. 24 
Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement